"None of us suddenly becomes something overnight. The preparations have been in the making for a lifetime.- Gail Goodwin

Just two more days until I finally get to pack my bags, load up the U-Haul and head out west to Hollywood...well, Burbank to be exact.

I have such a range of emotions I'm experiencing right now:

Fear of the unknown...

Relieved that the time has FINALLY come (I have been wanting to move to LA since 2000).

Anxious as I really want to just jump right in & get started working on student films & shorts so that I can begin to get footage for my reel.

Hesitant as I don't want to bite off more than I can chew and really need to get my ducks in a row before putting myself out there. For example, I need to get settled in my new place, register my boys for school & childcare and take new headshots before submitting myself on anything.

And most of all Excitement- I can't use this word enough! I'm EXCITED to be moving to the entertainment capital of the world; EXCITED to dust off these rusty acting skills and enroll in a challenging class; EXCITED to start working on a set instead of in an office; EXCITED to live near beautiful beaches in sunny weather that's lovely rather than hot as he** (i.e. Houston & Las Vegas); and most of all EXCITED that I'll be surrounded by other artists & creative beings who'll be moving & shaking, creating art (whether serious or silly) at every turn and inspiring me along the way.

It seems like it's taken forever just to get to this point and yet I know that this is only the beginning of my journey.

Just 2 more days and this marathon will begin...

2 Responses
  1. AAAGGGHHH Brandi I'm so excited for you!!! I wish I were moving to LA in two days! You're going to shine so brightly there. Super happy for you. Can't wait to read all your new updates! GOOD LUCK!!! xoxo Danielle

  2. Brandi Ford Says:

    Thanks Danielle. If I can get half as many auditions as you do I'll be happy! :-)

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