"None of us suddenly becomes something overnight. The preparations have been in the making for a lifetime.- Gail Goodwin

The Dating Dilemma shoot went well! I met some cool people who I hope to work with again and overall just had a great time. More on that later...

For now, I just wanted to give ya'll the news that I booked the Body Gospel aka Sweating In the Spirit 2 project. {Yay!} I hadn't heard from the casting director in over a week {and I remember her telling me they'd make a decision in 48hrs} so I decided to follow up with her and wouldn't you know she completely forgot to tell me I was cast. She felt so bad that she overlooked notifying me, but I could care less, I was just excited to hear the news! This means that come mid-September this night owl will have to start falling asleep at a decent hour in order to make it to my 7am workout class in Redondo Beach 5 days a week. I'll be given a membership with Spectrum {they have multiple dance classes!!!} and am still waiting to find out which food program has been selected, but one thing's for sure: I ain't gotta pay to workout or to eat for the next 4 months! :-) I know this won't be a cakewalk but I'm looking forward to the challenge ahead.

In other news I had an audition with commercial agent Sylvia Ferguson of SFA Talent & Associates this past Sunday. She contacted me {and who knows how many others} via LA Casting's Talent Scout program. While I've never heard of her agency, I'm loving the goal she's displayed on her website which says "SFA 2009 Resolutiton is to Taft-Hartley 100 actors." Since I'd love to be one of those 100 actors I followed the instructions and prepared a 30 second commercial which I found while searching the sides on LA Casting. Since Sunday's are church days I barely made it in the nick of time before she cut off seeing anyone else {and felt bad for those who were turned away}. After waiting half an hour I did my thing and left. She said it was very good {and I felt good about it} but I was literally in front of her for only 2 minutes so we'll see if she calls me back in for an actual interview.

Tomorrow- audition for the indie film "Trail to Nowhere." Logging off to look for a dramatic monologue...

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Did you get a call back from the SFA yet?

  2. Brandi Ford Says:

    Nope, no word from them yet. It would be great to get signed but since landing representation isn't my top priority right now I'm okay if they don't.

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